Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ten Tips to a Job-Winning Interview

These days, you have to work hard to get a serious job interview. After running just one want ad, recruiters will see thousands of resumes. So getting picked for an interview is a reason to celebrate.

But after celebrating The Call, plan for success. You'll have limited time to impress an interviewer. Even if you decide you don't want the job, I recommend using the opportunity to practice. An offer will build your confidence for the job you really want. And who knows? You may get invited to interview for a really desirable option

1. Do your homework: Investigate the company's culture, finances and markets.

Publications and media reports will help -- but you'll usually get a biased picture. Get on the phone and call anyone who might be able to give you information. See if you can find somebody who knows somebody who had first-hand contact with the organization.

But once you're in the meeting, resist the temptation to show off what you've researched ("I just read that you're about to embark on a new product line") unless you have a question directly related to your career. Interviewers can tell when you're going through the motions.

2. Look like you belong.

Learn the company's dress code and err on the side of conservatism. Some companies will expect you to show up in a classic suit even when all the incumbents are wearing shorts.

When you're seeking a senior position based on industry experience, you'll be expected to know the rules without being told.

3. Take charge of the interview!

The most successful interviews feel like friendly conversations. When your interviewer has an agenda (such as the infamous "stress interview") stay relaxed. Think of playing a game.

When your interviewer refuses to be deflected from a series of prepared questions, raise a red flag. You may be dealing with an HR person who will disapppear as soon as you're hired. That's okay.

But if your boss seems to be reading from a canned program, she may be inexperienced, naïve, rigid, overworked or lazy. Wait for the second interview before making a decision.

4. Assume everyone you meet will provide feedback to the decision-maker.

Some companies hand out comment forms to receptionists, security guards and potential peers who take you to lunch. You can bet your future boss will listen to the secretary who marches into his office to say, "If he gets hired, I quit."

5. Communicate interest and enthusiasm, even if you're not sure you're ready to commit.

You'll rarely have all the facts until you're looking at an offer. When you make a good impression, you may get redirected to a different job. Your interviewer may move to a new position and remember you. And it's always an ego-booster to say, "Thanks but no thanks."

6. Bring extra copies of your correspondence as well as your resume, references, writing samples, portfolio and current business cards.

Interviewers lose documents and conversations move in unexpected directions. A neatly organized folder will help you stand out from the pack.

7. Create a relaxed, positive attitude by devising a realistic game plan.

I encourage my own clients to have a "next step" ready to implement after the interview, before you hear the decision. When your career isn't riding on a single interview, you'll have fun and make a confident, relaxed impression.

8. Write a thank you letter within forty-eight hours.

Create a low-key sales letter, emphasizing how your qualifications match the company's needs. Present yourself as a resource, not a supplicant.

If you find yourself resisting this step, raise a red flag. Maybe on some level you don't want the job. That's okay: you can write a 2-line thank you note - even an email - just in case they've got another job waiting in the wings.

9. After sending the follow-up, forget about the interview.

Email or phone only if you've received a competing offer with a deadline. Silence does not necessarily mean rejection. One manager received an interview a full year after she applied for a job. By coincidence, she was just ready to make a move and her story had a happy ending.

Occasionally you may make points with follow-up mailings. A sports team public relations applicant sent puzzles, games and press releases -- and she got the job. Use your intuition.

10. Keep notes of what you learned from the process. What worked? What would you do differently?

Use your notes as you move through the process. Consider spending a single hour with a friend or unbiased career consultant to discuss the process.

Be careful of unsolicited feedback. Clients always surprise me with career legends they've picked up from neighbors, in-laws, siblings and even total strangers they meet on a plane.

Finally: Don't stop until you have a written offer with a start date, salary and terms, signed by a company officer or HR department. No written offers? Keep looking until you show up the first day and find a desk with your name on it.

And as soon as you begin your new job, make a brand-new career plan. Create your next safety net before you need one.

5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   

5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!

Anyone who is a job seeker knows that looking for a new job or career is a job in itself. Once you have completed the laborious task of writing your resume and submitting it to various companies, you now have to pass the screen test to get the job. Interviews are the gateway to landing your ideal job. These five tips will help you get own your way to making that job yours.


Be Confident "Your first impression is your only impression." Nothing is worse than a limp handshake, slumped shoulders, poor eye contact or poor communication skills. A potential employer can tell immediately if you are the man or woman for this job by your body language. Although aggressiveness is a turn-off, being passive gives the indication that you are not sure of yourself or your qualifications. Keep eye contact when answering questions or when the interviewer is speaking directly to you. Smile occasionally to show your interest and enthusiasm. Keeping a steady gaze on the interviewer can be disturbing to an interviewer. Look away occasionally. Lean forward to show that you are interested in what the interviewer is saying. Speak in a concise and clear voice. If you have problems enunciating certain words, don't try to use them on an interview. If this is difficult for you, practice with a mirror and pay attention to your facial expressions.

Other interview killers: -Slouching in a chair -Crossing your arms -Playing with your hair or jewelry -Leaning back in chair

Tip# 2

Act As If "You are what you believe." Act as if you had the job. What would you do if you had this position? How would you act? How would a person in this position act and speak? What are your responsibilities in this position? What is a typical day like for you in this job? Change your attitude towards yourself and your strengths. If you start thinking that you won't get the job, you will do small unnoticeable things to sabotage your chances. Great free resources:


Know The Company "Know your business." I once sat on a couple of interviews where the interviewees did not do any research on the company. This sends a message that you are looking for any job, not this specific job. Once you're interview is scheduled, get on the net and start finding out everything you can about the company. A good place to start is, which gives you industry information, top competitors, names of CEO, etc. If you'd like to know what current or former employees have to say about the company, try Beware of disgruntled postings. Call the company headquarters and ask for the marketing department to get specific information. Weave your research into the interview by stating. "I read an article in the Wall Street Journal, which mentioned that your company is thinking about XYZ." This lets the interviewer know that you have taken the time to know more about the company. You can ask questions about something you read, but don't challenge them or you'll come across as a know-it-all.

Tip# 4

Be Prepared "Know what to say." Most interviewers ask the same standard questions about your strengths, weaknesses, former employers, work history. If you are being interviewed by several people, this might be a good cop, bad cop situation. Pay attention to who is playing bad cop, they are looking for signs of weakness and dishonesty. To be well prepared, before the interview, write out all your accomplishments, both personal and professional. List your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest, it's easier to remember the truth than it is a lie. Extra Tip: Write out situations in which you have demonstrated: leadership skills, determination, stress management, creativity, and flexibility. Be prepared to answer the question: "Why do you want this job?" If you're not sure, reevaluate your decision. If you arrive a few minutes early, review what you wrote in the waiting room before the interview. Great list of interview questions: Tested Interview Questions.


Ask For The Job "You get what you ask for." The most important step in the interviewing process is one most people miss. ASK FOR THE JOB! Most interviewers are waiting for that closure. If you have done everything exceptionally well during the interviewing process, but have not asked for the job, you've just wasted an interview. Asking for the job shows the potential employer that you are assertive, confident and right for the job. It might feel uncomfortable, but this is your only chance to ask for something you really want. Make sure your voice is firm and you make eye contact. Think of it as your closing argument, you've got to win over the jury. You should also ask the interviewer if he or she thinks you are right for the job. Even if they tell you something unpleasant, think of it as a lesson learned. However, do yourself a favor and ask for the job. You deserve it!

5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   

5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!

Anyone who is a job seeker knows that looking for a new job or career is a job in itself. Once you have completed the laborious task of writing your resume and submitting it to various companies, you now have to pass the screen test to get the job. Interviews are the gateway to landing your ideal job. These five tips will help you get own your way to making that job yours.


Be Confident "Your first impression is your only impression." Nothing is worse than a limp handshake, slumped shoulders, poor eye contact or poor communication skills. A potential employer can tell immediately if you are the man or woman for this job by your body language. Although aggressiveness is a turn-off, being passive gives the indication that you are not sure of yourself or your qualifications. Keep eye contact when answering questions or when the interviewer is speaking directly to you. Smile occasionally to show your interest and enthusiasm. Keeping a steady gaze on the interviewer can be disturbing to an interviewer. Look away occasionally. Lean forward to show that you are interested in what the interviewer is saying. Speak in a concise and clear voice. If you have problems enunciating certain words, don't try to use them on an interview. If this is difficult for you, practice with a mirror and pay attention to your facial expressions.

Other interview killers: -Slouching in a chair -Crossing your arms -Playing with your hair or jewelry -Leaning back in chair

Tip# 2

Act As If "You are what you believe." Act as if you had the job. What would you do if you had this position? How would you act? How would a person in this position act and speak? What are your responsibilities in this position? What is a typical day like for you in this job? Change your attitude towards yourself and your strengths. If you start thinking that you won't get the job, you will do small unnoticeable things to sabotage your chances. Great free resources:


Know The Company "Know your business." I once sat on a couple of interviews where the interviewees did not do any research on the company. This sends a message that you are looking for any job, not this specific job. Once you're interview is scheduled, get on the net and start finding out everything you can about the company. A good place to start is, which gives you industry information, top competitors, names of CEO, etc. If you'd like to know what current or former employees have to say about the company, try Beware of disgruntled postings. Call the company headquarters and ask for the marketing department to get specific information. Weave your research into the interview by stating. "I read an article in the Wall Street Journal, which mentioned that your company is thinking about XYZ." This lets the interviewer know that you have taken the time to know more about the company. You can ask questions about something you read, but don't challenge them or you'll come across as a know-it-all.

Tip# 4

Be Prepared "Know what to say." Most interviewers ask the same standard questions about your strengths, weaknesses, former employers, work history. If you are being interviewed by several people, this might be a good cop, bad cop situation. Pay attention to who is playing bad cop, they are looking for signs of weakness and dishonesty. To be well prepared, before the interview, write out all your accomplishments, both personal and professional. List your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest, it's easier to remember the truth than it is a lie. Extra Tip: Write out situations in which you have demonstrated: leadership skills, determination, stress management, creativity, and flexibility. Be prepared to answer the question: "Why do you want this job?" If you're not sure, reevaluate your decision. If you arrive a few minutes early, review what you wrote in the waiting room before the interview. Great list of interview questions: Tested Interview Questions.


Ask For The Job "You get what you ask for." The most important step in the interviewing process is one most people miss. ASK FOR THE JOB! Most interviewers are waiting for that closure. If you have done everything exceptionally well during the interviewing process, but have not asked for the job, you've just wasted an interview. Asking for the job shows the potential employer that you are assertive, confident and right for the job. It might feel uncomfortable, but this is your only chance to ask for something you really want. Make sure your voice is firm and you make eye contact. Think of it as your closing argument, you've got to win over the jury. You should also ask the interviewer if he or she thinks you are right for the job. Even if they tell you something unpleasant, think of it as a lesson learned. However, do yourself a favor and ask for the job. You deserve it!

5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   5 Interviewing Tips to Get That Job!   

Friday, December 7, 2012

YouTube Promotion

We can use YouTube for watching video clips or even whole movies now. We can also create something called 'Infomercials' and load them onto YouTube. These can be used as a YouTube promotion marketing strategy for your product or service.

But first let's look at how YouTube currently stands in the online world. Recently YouTube, which was bought by Google for $1.65 billion in 2006, was said to be streaming 4 billion online videos every day. In early 2012 this was seen as a 25% increase in the past eight months.

This increase comes at a good time because more and more people are watching video on their televisions and smartphones. Google is pushing this new way of viewing by providing great content.

YouTube figures show that around 60 hours of video is uploaded to the site every minute. That is an incredible statistic, unimaginable a few years ago and one you can exploit with YouTube promotion of your products. YouTube streams around 4 billion videos globally a day, but only around 3 billion of them are actually monetised each week.

Video checklist

It is easy to be sceptical about anything and I understand if you may be wondering does YouTube promotion work? The truth is it does, but you need to create a video that has great content first.

Before creating a video of any kind you need to have some kind of action plan or a video checklist. Do you know what your subject material is? If you intend to speak or narrate then you will need some kind of script at hand, unless you are totally confident of making it up as you go along.

One thing you do not want to happen in your YouTube video promotion is to pause when you don't know what to say next or even mumble your way through the whole production.

Plan out what you intend to say and rehearse it prior to actually recording. Try to speak clearly and confidently. You want to come across as someone knowledgeable about the subject material you are conveying.

Shoot a few rehearsal videos and watch it back. Are you happy with your vocal tone and clarity? Is there any background noise? You don't want noise from traffic or worse still, the camera motor. If you can get a second opinion then do that before shooting the actual video.

Creating the video

Now it is time to get going on your YouTube video promotion work and get your video camera ready. for the actual filming. If you do not have one of these then does your phone take good video?

If you want to show yourself to viewers then you will need a video camera of some kind. Look at all your options and test out all of them. You may find your humble phone gives you the results you need. As you make more sales you can invest in better equipment.

If you do not have a video camera of any kind for YouTube promotion then all you would need to do is incorporate photos of the product within the video itself. Create a slideshow using PowerPoint or a similar tool, bring the photos into it and then narrate your text. Talk about any benefits and features that the product has.

You will find examples of infomercials on the web. If you need to know how content should look then do a quick Google search for infomercials. Also search for video podcasts.

Add a title in your infomercials and start off with a cheerful greeting. A good intro is important in your YouTube promotion strategy as this is what will hook the viewer in initially.

Try to end the video well also. You need to thank people for taking the time to watch your video. Add a call to action and provide your website link so that people know how to contact you. Packages such as Windows Movie Maker are free and can create some nice titles and animation for your video.

Of course the most important part of the video is the actual body. This is where you will engage the viewer and keep them watching. You have to make it good otherwise the viewer may click elsewhere.

Try not to sound boring in the video and keep the length to two minutes. Engage the viewer and speak with a clear voice at all times. Bu doing this you will be well on your way to having a YouTube promotion video to be proud of.

If someone likes your video they could turn into a customer. You want people to click back to your website to see what products or services you can offer them.

Ensure that you talk about what your product can do for them and how it is going to solve their pressing problems.

You can use Infomercials nicely for tutorial videos also. Why not put them onto your blog and use YouTube promotion to emphasise what people are going to gain from your tutorials. Make a quick clip of your tutorial and insert your website link to tempt them.

For anyone looking for a job, you will find creating an infomercial that promotes you is going to be very beneficial. Mention your skills, experience and qualifications. What this is in effect is, is a video resume and you can also state what kind of job you would like. The potential here for YouTube promotion is enormous.

YouTube marketing

When you are happy with the final video it is time to put it somewhere where people can access it. The best place in my opinion is YouTube for two reasons.

Firstly because it gets billions of viewers globally each day, it can only be of benefit to you. Imagine the amount of YouTube traffic you could be getting as a result of many people watching your video. This represents great exposure for your product, service or business.

Secondly, you want to keep YouTube promotion costs low, or as low as you can. So what is the YouTube promotion cost you may be asking yourself? The great thing about YouTube is that it is free to upload and host your video. Yes the beauty is that your videos are getting free YouTube promotion and exposure.

If you are intending to add more than one video onto YouTube then it is worth setting up your own channel. This will allow you to centralise your videos and brand yourself. You can customise the look of your channel if you so wish to help with any YouTube promotion, although this is not necessary.

Before you upload your video ensure that the name you give to the video file has your chosen keyword somewhere in it. Also add your keyword to the title and description once it is uploaded. This helps to optimise the video for the search engines and enables people to find it.


Your business, whether large or small, needs YouTube promotion as part of its marketing strategy. The more people that watch your video the more likely you are to make sales. Add video to your marketing today and see how it can benefit you.

Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

Top Five Web Video Marketing Techniques For All Businesses

Web video marketing has easily become a trend when it comes to the promotion of online businesses. With this type of marketing, having a business website is not a requirement. You can simply make a video about your products and services and post them in various video hosting sites. Moreover, it would not cost you anything. You just how to learn making the appropriate videos for your brand.

In making web videos, you must understand that it is also a competition. Do not be surprised to know that there also people belonging to same niche as yours who are taking advantage of this free marketing opportunity. Regular search engines and video search engines both change their parameters to select the best web videos that are related to the daily top searches. Hence, you will need some video marketing tips for your videos to lead the searches and for your business to start gaining profit from it.

Following are some ideas that will help you create competitive web videos for your online campaign.

Use Effective Keywords

Using the right keyword phrases will give you the most immediate results provided that you do your keyword research correctly. Use specific and long tail keywords. They could be made up of at least two to four keywords. Include your keyword phrase in the title and the description area as you submit your videos to different hosting sites.

Create Video Transcripts

Create a transcript for your video and have a link to the full text. Through this Google will notice your content more. Consequently, you will land on the first page of the search results. You can also create other videos related to the first ones you have produced and make them appear in a series. This is a good strategy for viewers to go back and see your newly launched videos.

Include Page Load Time And Thumbnail

The page load time is very useful for viewers who gets impatient waiting for a certain video to play. Most of the internet surfers today are used to getting the information they want instantly. The thumbnail, on the other hand, gives the viewers a gist of what to expect from the video. You can utilize the thumbnail to include catchy images that will attract more clicks to your videos.

Offer Freebies

Perhaps you are giving away e-books in your website through web videos. As viewers enter their names and e-mail addresses to take advantage of your free offer, collect all these information. With the help of autoresponders you can follow-up on the people who have shown interest to your products and services. You can set up an e-mail series to send out through which you can give these people the information they need. As you gain your trust through time, they will come buying what you offer.

Submit Your Videos To Google

Submitting your video to Google using a video site map is another excellent web video marketing strategy. You can share information about your video through it and get them indexed. This will make it easier for you to get number one in the Google page ranking. More views, more profit for you.

Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   Why Animation Is So Popular   

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing

The internet changes every day, growing infinitely bigger as more and more new websites show up online and more people are looking for the secret to making money with video marketing. A large number of those sites are uploaded by budding entrepreneurs who would love nothing more than to become their own boss and make a healthy living off the net. For every one that makes it there are hundreds and thousands more who fail, and usually because their website sits and gathers dust because they don't know how to market it effectively. A business can only grow if it has customers, and if you don't have the ability to get those people to your site, then you are doomed to fail.

The current trend is moving towards social networking as a means of marketing, and while that is a fantastic idea, there are simply not enough people using the power of video to get their message out there. As far as online marketing goes, there may be nothing more personal than a video of you explaining exactly what your site has to offer, and what your product or service can do for those people who want to be a part of it. Trust is a huge issue when it comes to selling online, and if you can put a face to your product then you may just up your chances of succeeding.

Like any other type of marketing, the video version has to be done properly in order for it to succeed. Oddly enough, it's the same mistakes that are generally made in other types of marketing that can cause a video campaign to bomb quickly. Branding your video is just as important doing so on your website and promotional materials, yet many people forget to put their website URL in the title, or even forget to mention the name of their website. You may have a video that would make Spielberg proud, but if it doesn't direct customers to your site then it has to be considered a failure.

Others get sucked into the notion that with so many people visiting YouTube on a daily basis their video is sure to get found. There is actually more chance that it will never get seen at all if you fail to give it a title that is interesting, or don't use any keywords when uploading it to the site. People search for videos the same way that they use Google, so in order to get found on YouTube you have to do your research and make sure that your keywords rock.

That's just scratching the surface of what you need to know the secret to making money with video marketing, and really the only way to know everything is to learn from an expert. You need someone who has run multiple successful video marketing campaigns, and who can show exactly what and what not to do in order to be successful. Luckily for you, just such a person exists already, so before you turn on that camera, turn your browser to the lessons from an expert.

Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Why Animation Is So Popular   

How to Choose the Best Web Design Services

If you are a business owner who is wondering how to create a website that will improve the visibility of your company, you should know that nowadays it is not very difficult to do so. Of course, the world of web design may seem inapproachable for those who are not experts, but the good news is that you can choose professional web design services in order to create your website. Thus, you will not need to worry about a thing while your website is completed.

The only task that you should undertake is choosing the best web design services, as there are so many companies and individuals offering this type of services. Below you will find the most important features to be taken into account.


The first thing that needs to be addressed when choosing a web design service is the work experience of your shortlisted companies. The easiest way to check this is asking for website addresses, but in many instances you will not have to do that, as respectable companies will provide you from start with a portfolio of designs they have created. This will be a good opportunity for you to decide whether their style will suit your needs.

The Price

As a rule of thumb, the price for a website will vary from hundreds to thousands of dollars, so you must really do some research in order to familiarize yourself with the market. Consider the amount you are willing to spend and choose a web design company that can offer you the quality you need at the price you are willing to pay.

Customer service

Being able to get in touch with the people who are working on your website is essential. Moreover, you need to make sure they will be available to answer your queries after the site is up and running as well. Make some background research on the company of your choice before hiring them, in order to be sure they provide helpful customer support. You can even call some of their former clients in order to get references about the quality of the company's customer services.

As you can see from the list above, the task of choosing the best web design services is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. However, if you do not know how to make your own website or are not willing to make such an effort, you should go through the trouble of finding a good company that will get the name of your business out there.

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What Is The Fat-P System And How Can It Streamline The Web Design Workflow?

On many occasions you have probably found yourself so overwhelmed by the web design project ahead that you have developed a mental block. This block will continue to build until the frustration reaches breaking point, leading you to completely neglect the project all together, miss deadlines and be faced with all sorts of other problems. This is where the FAT-P system can help you get your mind back on track.

Firstly, what is the FAT-P system? Essentially, it is an acronym that stands for:

Form Audience Topic Purpose

The next time you develop a mental block, try this pre-designing exercise to see whether it can help you to get your head back in the game.

Form: The first step in any web design project is deciding on the best form for the website, whether it be a static page, a blog or even a flash animation. In most cases, the client will have little experience with websites, so it is the role of the designer to help them come to this conclusion by discussing the specifics of what the client wants.

Audience: If you want your web design to be successful, it is important that you next define who the target audience is. You will need to create a complete profile of the people who are going to look at this website, right down to their age range and even gender. You will then need to ensure that all aspects of the site revolve around this profile so that you know it will appeal to these people.

Topic: During the planning stages of any web design project, it is important that the designer ensures that the topic or message of the site is clearly conveyed, otherwise it can get lost in the design. This can also help to prevent revisions later on during the revision stage, which can be highly time consuming.

Purpose: Finally, you need to ensure that you are aware of the purpose, or the objective, of the website. Is the client trying to sell a product, build a community, present information about something, or generate leads? The answer to this question should drive the design, as well as determining how the call-to-action should be formed.

The next time you find yourself beating your head against a brick wall because you have no idea what you are trying to do with your current web design project, remember that there is no need for despair - simply take a clean sheet of paper and so some brainstorming based on the FAT-P system.

Don't Exclude   Ways To Increase Customer Engagement On Your Corporate Website   How to Choose a Graphic Design Professional for Your Website   Why We Need a Good Web Design   Does Your Website Seek To Impress?   

Top Seven Tips for Choosing a Professional Web Designer

Website has become a great way to target a wider market for businesses dealing in retail or wholesale sector. Even the brick and mortar businesses are relying majorly on their websites to attract more prospective buyers. With a huge scope of enhancing business opportunities through a website, it is essential to have an attractive and unique web design.

Many businesses are taking help of professional website design studios to make it interesting, alluring and eye-catchy for prospective buyers. If you are looking for a website design company, you would be lucky to know that there are many design studios that are dealing in providing website design services. They boast of a team of designers who have the right aptitude and approach to offer innovative website design solutions.

While you are making a search, it is important for you to hire only a professional web designer so as to give a classy, commercial and wonderful look. Let's consider the top seven tips that are mostly taken into consideration while choosing a website designer:

1. Regardless of location and proximity, a website designer must communicate all the essentials of a design for your approval. 2. They must have experience of working in your business domain and industry. 3. The expertise in using different web design tactics is also vital to make your web design possible. 4. Consult with professionals about their capabilities in presenting a simple idea into a unique way. 5. Share your budget limits with them so that they can customize a unique solution that can still has a great appeal and attraction. 6. Check if you are comfortable in talking with a web designer for sharing any new idea that can make the design of a website better. 7. Gaining knowledge about their previous work will be an added advantage to understand their capabilities and success stories.

While you are sure that a particular web design studio will be successful to provide you a web design solution that can give a boost to your presence online, you can go ahead with the deal. However, you must ensure that the company also use SEO tactics to make your site SEO and user-friendly. This will be great advantage as SEO optimized website design will have better chances of appearing on top of search engine results, and eventually gaining more traffic and sales leads towards a business. So, you can now use the above mentioned tips and make your search quicker.

Don't Exclude   Choosing a Website for You: For Therapists and Small Business   Learn To Develop Android Apps Using Google App Inventor   Why Your Business Needs a Professional Website Designed   Cheap Web Design for Every Business   

Changes In Medigap Might Cost Seniors More

Congress is heatedly debating alterations to Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans that may soon mean more out-of-pocket costs for health care.

Medicare is the government health insurance program for those 65 or older as well as younger disabled people. Medicare has never covered all of their health care needs, though. Medicare beneficiaries have out-of-pocket costs for both doctor and hospital treatments. To reduce these out-of-pocket costs, many Medicare beneficiaries add a Medigap Plan. Medigap or Medicare Supplement Insurance doesn't replace Medicare. It picks up some of the medical bills that Medicare doesn't cover.

Some experts on health care policy say that such coverage generates an increased demand for health care by reducing the amount Medicare beneficiaries have to cover for treatment. That increase in the demand for Medicare services can also be abused when providers bill for additional and unnecessary medical care. It's normal for beneficiaries to want as much health care as they can afford with the expanded coverage of Medigap Plans, but the government hasn't funded Medicare to keep up with the demand.

One response has been to propose that Medicare Supplement Insurance plans be blocked from filling all of the gaps in Medicare. To drive up out-of-pocket costs for beneficiaries, adding $530 per year to existing out-of-pocket costs is also under consideration. But, are beneficiaries the only ones on a spending spree?

Hospitals have been known to bill for services after a Medicare beneficiary's death. Fraudulent billing for services can also take a high toll on government coffers. Is it reasonable to expect Medicare beneficiaries to blow the whistle when doctors recommend tests that increase the burden of governmental funding?

A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that increasing out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare Supplement Insurance could save Medicare $1.5 billion to $4.6 billion per year. It has also been suggested that higher out-of-pocket costs would reduce the demand for health care and in turn, lower Medigap premiums because of reduced expenses for insurance companies. Is it really necessary to take health care away from seniors and people with disabilities?

There is extensive debate over what the government can't afford, but some of the reasons for the shortfall may be surprising. According to David Cay Johnston who reported on the tax system for the New York Times, the trend for U.S. companies to drastically reduce their tax bills by incorporating in Bermuda has been growing. Johnston, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of our tax system, points out that our laws don't prevent this. He reported on a New Jersey industrial manufacturer that incorporated in Bermuda for $27,000 and could avoid at least $40 million in U.S. corporate income taxes. The company didn't even need to maintain a Bermuda office. A mail drop there was sufficient to save them $40 million or more.

How Can Medicare Beneficiaries Protect Their Health If Access To Medical Care Becomes More Expensive?

While our policymakers are still debating over what to do with Medigap Plans, you can take measures to reduce your out-of-pocket costs for health care.

The more you work to improve your health, the less you'll have to spend on medical intervention regardless of Medicare politics. Exercise plays a major role in keeping the body fit and improving a lot of health problems. It also helps to keep your brain functioning at peak levels.

How you fuel your body is even more important than staying active. For starters, fruits and vegetables fight cancer, high blood pressure, and help you to maintain a healthy weight. Avoiding preventable disease does more than cut your cost for health care. It also makes it easier to navigate between Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans. Outside of open enrollment, it's difficult or impossible to clear medical underwriting standards to buy a supplement if your medical history is problematic.

No matter how you look at it, investing in ways to protect your health is a money saver. Perhaps that's why some Medicare Supplement Plans offer discounts on health club memberships and online access to tips to stay healthy.

Critical Illness Life Insurance   On Term Insurances   Obamacare Comes Through for People Who Need an Affordable Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan   Steps to Innovative ICD10 Implementation Discovery and Mapping   Mediclaim Policies - Why They Are a Must for All?   

Why Is There a Change in The Medicare Part D Enrollment Period?

The Medicare Part D enrollment period has changed. It will now start October 15, 2011 and end December 7, 2011. This is 24 days less than in 2010. Why is there a change in the Medicare Part D enrollment period?

The change in the Medicare part D enrollment period is due to the lobby of insurance companies that wish to further limit the amount of time a person can switch part D providers. As a person's drug regiment changes or as drugs become available in generic the part D provider that offers the lowest rates can change. It is important to review part D each year during the open enrollment period.

Many insurance companies will change a plan or discontinue a plan and automatically enroll their customer in a new or updated plan. This can be beneficial to some customers but can also be disadvantageous. It is important to review your part D each year. This is a statement issued by a Medicare Part D provider:

"Beginning next year the prescription drug program, run by United HealthCare on Guam, will offer only one plan, instead of two. The only option will be the "Preferred Plan," which will cost $11.20 a month. A Medicare beneficiary currently enrolled in the "Enhanced Plan," will automatically be enrolled in the "Preferred Plan" on Dec. 31, according to the Public Health statement."

As you can see from the statement above you can be placed in a "new" Medicare part D plan without signing up again or filling out more paperwork. This is done by the insurance company to make it "easier" for their clients. It is perhaps easier for the existing clients because they are not required to fill out additional paperwork or review the details of the new plan they are being enrolled in. This also leaves the door open for potential unnecessary charges in the form of: a raised monthly premium and lower individual drug costs, or a lower monthly premium and higher individual drug copayments. The benefits and costs of prescription drug plans need to be evaluated on an individual basis, the part D plan that was the least expensive for you in 2011 may not be the least expensive plan for 2012. The insurance companies are in business to make money and they will organize the plans to benefit their bottom line.

Remember everyone on Medicare must have a prescription drug plan or risk being penalized for late enrollment. Many individuals turning 65 do not need extensive prescription drug benefits and desire a plan with the lowest monthly premium. When insurance companies change the premium to copay ratio it causes the best plan for an individual to change. In closing no matter what your prescription drug regiment is it is necessary to reevaluate your Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage every year during the open enrollment period.

Critical Illness Life Insurance   On Term Insurances   Obamacare Comes Through for People Who Need an Affordable Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan   Steps to Innovative ICD10 Implementation Discovery and Mapping   

Insurance Company Denying Your Medical Insurance Claims? There's an Appeals Process That Works

It's the last thing anyone wants - getting into a quarrel with a health insurer. You feel poorly matched up, and nothing stops them from taking all the time in the world. However, a report by the Government Accountability Office has found that when people dig their heels in and go ahead fighting for their insurance claims anyway, half the time, they win. They actually win against a behemoth of a health insurer that would like nothing better than to try to turn any little thing into a war of attrition. They found that in most cases, denials don't come from any basic disagreements over what medical treatment is to be allowed and what is not. Most of the time, the problem has something to do with some confusing billing or eligibility problem.

For some reason (Gee, wonder what that could be), health insurance companies never tell their customers that they can appeal any denial. It's up to customers in their confusion and fear, to figure it out for themselves. One of the most common reasons insurers deny insurance claims is for the reason that a patient hasn't obtained prior authorization for some kind of treatment. It's easy to appeal, and ask to be supplied authorization retroactively. Most the time, they grant it if you ask through an appeal. If you ask on the phone like a human being would, they won't give you the time of day.

At least, the law now requires that health insurance companies tell every customer that when they are denied a claim, they can always appeal it internally or ask for an independent review.

Have you ever had trouble with insurance claims that were termed experimental or investigational? Most of the time, a denial for this reason only means that they've made a mistake with their unnecessarily complex system. Everything for instance is categorized according to a code. Every treatment, test or investigation is to correspond to the requirements stated in one kind of code or another. Sometimes, there are multiple codes to match things to. Moreover, each type of treatment comes with a different code depending on what age a patient is. If for instance, there is a blood test that you need, and the clerk at the insurance company makes the mistake of putting down the code number for a blood test for a 15-year-old girl instead of for 25-year-old you, the system blames you for trying to get treated for something you are not eligible for.

Sometimes, problems with insurance claims that you take up with your insurance company can actually take in excess of three months to have resolved. In these cases, usually, phone calls won't give you the kind of results you're looking for. In a case such as this one, all you have to do is to drive to the hospital and talk to the people in charge. Sooner or later, they always back down.

Critical Illness Life Insurance   On Term Insurances   Obamacare Comes Through for People Who Need an Affordable Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan   Steps to Innovative ICD10 Implementation Discovery and Mapping   

Tips for Getting the Most From Your Rubber Stamp Collection

Has rubber stamping become one of your passions? If so, you are likely searching for ways to improve your artistic creations. Listed below are few tips that can help you create beautiful, unique cards and invitations using your stamp collection. Will you bring your creations to the next level using these tips?

· The use of bold color

As the seasons change, so should your use of color when creating cards and invitations. Bright beautiful colors can help make a bold statement. Which stamps you choose to complete the project should also vary with season. The use of bold color and seasonal images can help bring your cards and invitations to the next level.

· New and interesting stamp designs

To improve your creative and artistic creations, go on the hunt for new designs. This is especially important if the recipients of your cards and invitations have already seen your designs. Like most thing, keeping up with the trends can ensure that you are offering top quality designs with your creations, rather than the same old design, time after time.

· Discover ways to remove unwanted mistakes

Don't let mishaps ruin your creations. Instead of throwing it away, discover ways to remove mistakes. Alcohol free baby wipes are just one solution to the problem and is a way that you can remove unwanted mistakes. There are also chemical solutions available at craft stores to help you get rid of those mistakes. It is worth investing in a specialist solution, otherwise you may end up ruining your design.

· Find new uses for your hobby

There are many creative projects that you can use to make use of your stamp collection. Cards, invitations, scrapbooking, stationary, office supplies, making your own wrapping paper, and using them as teaching tools are just a few of the many ways that you can use rubber stamps. Get creative and find new ways to implement your rubber stamping strategies.

Taking your rubber stamping creations to the next level is easy. By adding in the use of bold color, finding new stamp designs, and finding ways to remove unwanted mistakes are all ways in which you can add to your rubber stamping creations. Find new uses for your hobby so that others can be intrigued by your talent and ability to create a unique craft from rubber stamping. You may just get others involved in your hobby along the way. What will you do to take your hobby to the next level?

How to Care for Your Rubber Stamps   Paraffin Wax Candle Making - Do It Yourself   How to Find Replacement Parts for Sewing Machines   Should I Buy Mounted or Unmounted Rubber Stamps?   

Brush Pen Techniques - How to Improve Your Craft?

Brush pen techniques take a lifetime to learn because like any other art devices it takes determination and practice to reach a particular level of proficiency to produce a worthy work. It takes thorough control of the pen that could not be learned in a day or two. In fact, it takes years and decades to develop the masterstroke that defines what is stunning from mediocre work. This extends even today, although with the various colorful office supplies available, the process of learning the medium is somewhat made less intense.

What are brush pens and where are they often used?For beginners, they are also called Japanese writing pens and used primarily for calligraphers, but has developed into a convenient tool for cartoonists, comic book artists and even those in the field of fine arts. The reason for its continued popularity is that these pens are much better and easier to use when compared to the other mediums - that serves the same purpose. These pens create dazzling rendering on paper due to its flexible, easy flow tip that can be made to produce an array of thin and thick brushstrokes.

How can one improve his or her brush pen techniques? The idea is to get to know the pen and the endless possibilities it can provide to anyone diligent to learn. First in the learning agenda is total hand control to produce the desired results. Small images when brushed are laid back and strong heavy images when brushed are pushed hard. To gain proper control of the brush; begin by making marks then do curving marks and then as control starts to gain a foothold, straight lines (vertical and horizontal), narrow lines, wide lines, dots, and cross or grid lines. If your pen is part of the colorful office supplies, it is sensible to do the drills using all available colors.

Can a brush pen be used to draw serious images? Once the artist is comfortable with the brush and has developed his own techniques, he can actually venture into more demanding lettering work, landscape and even portrait rendering. The possibility becomes boundless, provided the colorful office supplies items being used can cope with what one intends to accomplish. Like most new to the medium, painting can include natural subjects like bamboos or perhaps wild orchid, chrysanthemums, and maybe a plum branch -- all common subjects in Chinese and Japanese art.

Remember in whatever you do, whether lettering work or serious nature painting, only practice and determination can greatly improve one's brush pen techniques, particularly when aided by the right colorful office supplies.

How to Care for Your Rubber Stamps   Paraffin Wax Candle Making - Do It Yourself   How to Find Replacement Parts for Sewing Machines   Should I Buy Mounted or Unmounted Rubber Stamps?   

Cricut Rewards

Loyalty programs such as Cricut rewards, reward customers for their purchases. Smart businesses can effectively implement rewards programs to keep customers loyal and coming back to them time and time again. Share your creative projects and receive valuable rewards and drastically reduce your cost of vinyl for your personal craft cutter!

Cricut rewards are unique because they specifically target expression and sihouette cutting machine customers. We love our personal craft cutters and are constantly purchasing various types of supplies such as cricut vinyl. Vinyl has become very popular due to its ease of use, variety of colors and amount of sizes and lengths. As many of us are very cost conscious, we want the best value when purchasing our cricut supplies. Reward programs help reduce our overall cost of our supplies while demonstrating our loyalty to customer friendly businesses that make a consistent efforts to recognize our purchases.

Vinyl cricut rewards are even more specific and helpful. Because vinyl has so many uses in the craft market, cricut vinyl distributors are rewarding their customers with progressive discounts based on the amount of the purchases and their consistency. Some vinyl cricut suppliers offer affiliate programs that reward customers for promoting and advertising their cricut vinyl supply websites to their friends and associates. Everyone loves a great deal and what deal is better than FREE vinyl for your cricut. Sharing takes little time and effort for such a great benefit.

Innovative cricut vinyl supply companies are offering credits to their customers who are willing to share. Credits are earned as cricut users upload and display their unique cricut files they have created using cricut vinyl. This process is a win- win helping to reduce the overall cost of vinyl supplies and helping to promote the cricut vinyl supply company as a reputable source for other cricut users to purchase their vinyl supplies. Companies with vision are implementing cricut reward programs and will continue to create long-term win-win relations with their customers.

In summary- Cricut rewards are one of the simplest ways to save you lots of money on the overall cost of ownership of your personal cricut cutter or personal craft vinyl cutter. Creative file sharing is fun and rewards those who are willing to let others try out the very cricut vinyl projects they created. As you spend time creating memories for yourself you can also receive valuable cricut rewards that help pay you back for your creative time!

How to Care for Your Rubber Stamps   Paraffin Wax Candle Making - Do It Yourself   How to Find Replacement Parts for Sewing Machines   Should I Buy Mounted or Unmounted Rubber Stamps?   Should I Buy Mounted or Unmounted Rubber Stamps?   

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